Thursday, September 12, 2013

Nose Wax

All I really want to say right now is that my husband is amazing. End of story.

Okay, so maybe not the end of it based on the sole fact that you've probably had a glimpse of an interesting photo of Tim via Facebook or Instagram. What can I say? He's pretty attractive with those nose plugs and I couldn't resist sharing a photo and a little information about a nose wax.

People are always a little surprised that this treatment is available. Most individuals stick to nose trimming and/or tweezing and hey, if that floats your boat that's fine! I find that a nose wax is worth the 10-15 minute procedure to have clean nostrils for an entire month. Also, some noses can last up to six weeks depending on your personal hair growth cycles. The procedure goes a little something like this: hard wax is inserted into the opening of one's nostril where it hardens/adheres (over a short period of time) to a collection of hairs, and when the timing is right, is then pulled straight out. Any pain? Nope, it doesn't hurt like you think it would! Tweezing one hair at a time is painful and usually filled with tears but when the entire bunch of hairs is safely removed it's fairly comfortable. One pull and no tears, just sexy nostrils. 

Oh, and guys, I double dog dare you to try it. Your lady friends will thank you.

P.S. Don't try this at home guys. Serious. If you're not trained properly there's a good chance an injury could occur. Please seek out a professionals assistance for their experience and knowledge.


  1. I love this especially the picture! Way to get our attention. Can't wait to show my husband :)

  2. Thanks Angela! Tell him if Tim can do it he can!;)
