Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Is it REALLY Worth it?

Let's face it, we all have our moments of weakness when we purchase a product that claims to be a magic genie in a bottle to address all of our skin issues. We then get home and of course, we use it. But was it really that magical compared to that last jar of awesome? Here's a little tip that breaks down how fast you go through an entire bottle and whether the price was worth the longevity of the product. I feel like knowing these two simple facts REALLY help me make more aware choices when deciding if a product is going to be a repeat purchase. The best part is that it's easy to do! 

All you have to do is write the date of your first use on the bottom of the container. Make sure you use permanent marker so any water can't smudge the official start date. I am a whiz when it comes to remembering what each item cost so I never write the price. I am the Rain Man of all purchase totals. If you're not as weird as me, feel free to add the price you purchased the product at along side of the start date. When you are completely finished with the product you can see how long it lasts, attain a price breakdown on what the cost per day/use, etc. and VIOLA! You're done! This little trick makes me feel guilt free when I go back to purchase another magic bottle that I feel and KNOW is worth every penny.

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