Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Bye Bye Under Eye

As small as this tip may be, I love sharing it!

For those who are constantly searching for the latest and greatest in concealer search no more! I will give you the ultimate cheat sheet of what concealer colors really hide!

  • PINK- Perfect for covering purple, blue and black. It's a gem for getting those dark circles under the eyes vanished! Also, a pink toned concealer is great for any apparent bruising skin may suffer from.
  • YELLOW- Best for covering red or pink tones found in the skin. Yellow is G-R-E-A-T for acne sufferers AND for rosacea. Remember, yellow mellows the appearance of acne and/or rosacea. You see what I did there? "Yellow mellows." I (THINK) that I'm a pretty good poet.
  • LILAC- Great for people who dislike their sallow looking skin. It may be better saying yellowed looking skin.
  • GREEN- We've all seen it before while we're perusing the cosmetic isles at Target but what the heck do you use green for? It is also used to cover redness much like yellow does. However, green is an unnatural and unflattering skin shade so many stick with yellow hues.
  • BEIGE- Nude colors are great for all over cover-ups. It's your basic concealer that anyone could use. Looking to lighten those under eyes to make them pop? Choose a shade that's two to three shades lighter than your skin tone. If you're super pale like me, I like to use a shimmery white or ivory powder over my foundation to do the trick since most concealers are my actual skin tone.

Now that you have a cheat sheet, GO USE IT.

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