
Hello all of you lovelies!

My name is Jordan and I am a licensed Master Esthetician. For those unfamiliar with the title I hold feel free to call me your skin guru, age eraser, eyelash extension technician, professional zit picker, face lady, laser technician, product junkie, beauty expert or skin care therapist! In a nut shell, I treat skin conditions varying from aging to acne and anything in between using numerous treatments and products. Making the decision to become a licensed Master Esthetician was to help and educate others who struggle with their own skin issues, where I find great joy in doing so.

I graduated aesthetics school from Acaydia School Of Aesthetics in July 2011. I hold a Master Esthetician license in the states of Utah and Idaho. After graduating I worked in a top notch day spa, a cute little eyelash extension suite and a laser procedure loving medi-spa giving me a wide variety in ways to approach and treat skin conditions. Currently, I work full time for a Dermatologist office in my hometown, Idaho Falls, with the love of my life, Tim, and our two cats, Dex and Ollie. I consider myself extremely lucky to have found what I am so passionate about so very early in life and even luckier that I'm able to practice my passion every day.


Oh, and meet Tim everybody. He is the BEST guy in the entire world and a GINORMOUS part of my life. Serious. Everyone that meets Tim falls in love with the guy and no, it's not because he's a sexy ginger. It's because he is so amazing through and through. Okay, so maybe Tim's handsome ginger-ness is a bonus but really, he is simply amazing. I can't even begin to explain how happy I am that I get to call him mine for forever. Never in my wildest of dreams could I imagine someone fitting me so perfectly. Each day with Tim is perfect and you could say that I am one lucky lady to be his Mrs.

***My reviews on products are my personal opinion and choice to do so. I do not get paid for any review posted.  

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