Thursday, August 8, 2013

Red Light! Blue Light!

After reading the post title it sounds like a cheesy Dr. Suess title but these types of LED lights actually help treat skin conditions!

The Science behind LEDs (light emitting diodes) is to use harmless phototonic energy, that becomes absorbed by the skin. It is then converted into chemical energy by creating beneficial changes on a cellular level thus leaving the skin happy and healthy. Now there are a few different types of LED lights available and each has a specific target to treat. The two most popular LED lights are blue and red light.

Blue light is used to treat acne prone skin. It effectively penetrates the top layers of the skin by killing present bacteria. It does this without drying or irritating the skin like some acne fighting ingredients can do. Oh, and it's pain free! You could say it's pretty much amazing. Also, some professionals incorporate blue light in treatments whether they are used in conjunction with chemicals peels or acne procedures.

Red light stimulates collagen on a cellular level to grow new cells up to 200% faster than your skin normally generates them.  Collagen is our "cement" foundation for our skin. Over time it collapses and cracks due to normal wear and tear (sun exposure, facial expressions, etc.) and results in fine lines and wrinkles. By using red light on the skin, it regenerates skin cells giving the user a boost of collagen production resulting in "cement" filled wrinkles. It makes for a great way to firm and smooth the skin without using painful fillers or going under the knife. Red light is also used during professional treatments to stimulate healing after an aggressive exfoliation treatment or to top off an anti-aging facial to iron out any fine lines or wrinkles.

All LEDs feel very similar when applied to the skin. Some are made to sit on a section of skin for a specific amount of time while others are best used with constant movement and contact with the skin. They generally give off a little warmth and sometimes little vibrations are sent out through the hand piece to soothe the skin. A LED light user can never over use phototonic energy however it is best administered equally on the skin to ensure best results. No one wants just one wrinkled side of the face! Some are for professional use only, but there are hand held LED devices that are at home safe. My favorite at home safe one is the ANSR: Beam that features both Red and Blue LED light.

ANSR: Beam in the flesh!

The creation of LED lights are phenomenal. They can be used on any skin type, any time of the day without any sort of irritation while it improves skin health. Talk about a major win win for anyone's skin!   

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