Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Better Late than Never

These past few weeks have been CRAZY busy. They've been chalk full of birthdays, weddings, end of summer BBQ's, Utah runs and I'll admit, I feel like a slacker. But hey, it's better late then never to get to postin'!

Today I really wanted to focus on another tip that I love sharing with it still being summer and all. After covering a quick how-to on cleaning makeup brushes I'd thought I'd stick with another important cleanliness how-to. It's super easy and quick to do! Did I mention that it's inexpensive too?

So, who here has dealt with a breakout on the bridge of your nose? Well, I have and when I have a friend or two pop up it's a constant reminder of what I need to whip out and clean! My sunglasses OR my granny readers. I always find that there are remnants of makeup, oil and bacteria collecting on the nose pads which can attribute to those not-so-fun breakouts. So, what to clean them with? Rubbing Alcohol. Give your nose pads a quick scrub down with rubbing alcohol and you're bacteria free! Make sure not to apply rubbing alcohol to your lenses!

Another quick tip is to store your glasses in a sanitary case. I used to chuck my glasses in my chaotic purse where anyone could find a slew of food (gross, I know), makeup, pens, sticky notes, my collection of rewards cards, camera, magazines, chunks of change, numerous packs of almost empty gum, water bottle, countless wrappers, daily vitamins and my iPhone. You name it, it's in my bag. I carry my whole life around in one convenient bag but I always forget to store my glasses in a clean place with. BUT there's good news! I'm currently obsessing over my recent purchase from Madewell. I'm all about chambray and polka dots so this glasses case was too good to be true. It makes my heart happy as well as my glasses.

I thought I'd take the opportunity to snap a photograph of my desk that is rarely clean AND put together with my very staged but very clean sunnies and chambray case.

Now, we all know that breakouts can be caused by other things such as hormones, stress and environmental factors but I do find that keeping products used around or on the skin clean extremely beneficial. So go grab your glasses and clean 'em up!

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