Saturday, August 10, 2013

Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl Peroxide (BP) is an acne fighting ingredient where benzoic acid and oxygen find their way in to an infected pore (a zit if you will) to help ward off bacteria. BP works so effectively due to the fact that bacteria cannot thrive when pure oxygen is present therefore clearing up acne-prone skin. BP also tends to be non-irritating for most users making it comfortable to use on  most skin types. Also, it's a pregnancy safe ingredient helping future moms control those big hormonal flare ups associated with pregnancy.

I've had many clients that love using BP to help control their breakouts, and a handful of them have worried that their skin becomes used to this ingredient over time. I'm happy to report that BP will still get the job done! After some time I've discovered that some individuals abuse this ingredient with improper use and once they've been sent home with proper instructions it makes a world of difference. Here are a few things to get the most bang out of BP.

  • Do not heap layer after layer on. The more the merrier does not apply in this case. Overuse of a BP spot treatment can lead to unnecessary drying and possible skin irritation. One layer is enough. I promise. 
  • Do not rely on this product as be-all and end-all to your acne. Yes BP can help clear up many cases of acne but that doesn't mean you may respond the same way. There may be need to incorporate other ingredients or products in to your acne regimen, some ingredients being salicylic acid, green tea extract, tea tree oil, AHA acids or retinols to achieve desired results.   
  • Only use a BP based face wash when you need it. If you're clear or pretty darn clear compared to your norm just stick to spot treatments. Once again, overuse can lead to that pesky dryness or irritation. 

Overall, I think it’s a far better idea to use it ‘strategically’.

I am very happy to recommend one of my favorite products for those struggling with acne. One product goes by the name of the Skin Exfoliant Wash created by Glymed Plus. The Skin Exfoliant Wash contains 2.5% BP with exfoliating granules to quickly and effectively administer BP where needed. A great spot treatment, also from Glymed Plus, is the lovely Skin Medication No. 5. It contains 5% BP AND tea tree oil to help get your skin clean and clear. But remember with a spot treatment, one thin layer will get the job done! Glymed Plus also offers their Skin Medication in a 10% BP product for more stubborn acne. Normally, I suggest users to start out with a lower percentage to see what their exact outcome will be before moving on to a more aggressive product. 

I have worked with Glymed Plus in school and I continue to work with it and I remain extremely satisfied with it based on company values, high grade ingredients and client results. I've seen these particular products work magic for many individuals battling breakouts. Trust me when I throw out the word magic, they really are magical.

***I always encourage for new users to try products by creating a test patch (a penny sized spread of product possibly on the jaw line or neck) before using all over to avoid allergic reactions or severe irritation, just to stay on the safe side!

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