Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Giveaway (Now Closed)

Esthetically Pleasing is officially at 100 Facebook likes and counting! I thought I'd treat all of my amazing supporters with something special! Mountain West Dermatology (my AMAZING place of employment) has graciously donated products for a GIVEAWAY! The giveaway includes a full Clean Start skin kit created by Dermalogica and a full size lip gloss from the line! Dermalogica is one of the biggest leading skin care companies in the world. They work hard to bring everyone the latest and greatest in skin innovations and products. They have high end products where they focus on getting the job done, not just creating a temporary fix. Check out their full story HERE.

The Clean Start kit gives you a no fuss routine that helps you manage the natural ups and downs your skin may experience when clearing present blemishes and keeping your future skin acne free. Originally created for teens and young adults, it'll help to keep skin clean and clear with those raging hormone changes everyone faces. It includes:

  • Wash Off- A foaming wash that uses 0.5% Salicylic Acid to kill bacteria, rid skin of dead cell build-up and ward off excess oil.
  • All Over Clear- A hydrating toner that also uses 0.5% Salicylic Acid to treat the skin. This product can also be used to treat body acne.
  • Ready, Set, Scrub!- A scrub/masque duo that uses purifying clays to soak up unnecessary oil while Silica granules whisk away dead skin cells! 
  • Welcome Matte SPF15- A moisturizing oil fighting sunscreen containing four types of sunscreen to keep your skin happy and healthy. No one wants skin cancer when they're in their forties!  
  • Bedtime for Breakouts- A spot treatment best used at night that contains 2% Salicylic Acid to stick it to those bigger breakouts.  

And there you have it! Every listed product above is a travel sized product allowing you to use this line for a month to help treat your skin. The full sized lip gloss, Smart Mouth Lip Shine, helps give anyone soft luscious lips with the use of cocoa seed butter, vitamin E and shea butter. It also gives incredible shine without feeling sticky or tacky making it the perfect go to gloss! It is the PERFECT kit for back to school to get your skin in tip top shape! 

How do you enter? All you need to do is make sure you're following Esthetically Pleasing on Facebook and Pinterest. After you've done those two steps share this post via Facebook! Viola! You will be officially entered. This contest will run 08/28/2013 to 09/01/2013 where one lucky winner will be chosen at random! The winner will be announced on 09/02/2013

On your mark! Get set! GO!


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Better Late than Never

These past few weeks have been CRAZY busy. They've been chalk full of birthdays, weddings, end of summer BBQ's, Utah runs and I'll admit, I feel like a slacker. But hey, it's better late then never to get to postin'!

Today I really wanted to focus on another tip that I love sharing with it still being summer and all. After covering a quick how-to on cleaning makeup brushes I'd thought I'd stick with another important cleanliness how-to. It's super easy and quick to do! Did I mention that it's inexpensive too?

So, who here has dealt with a breakout on the bridge of your nose? Well, I have and when I have a friend or two pop up it's a constant reminder of what I need to whip out and clean! My sunglasses OR my granny readers. I always find that there are remnants of makeup, oil and bacteria collecting on the nose pads which can attribute to those not-so-fun breakouts. So, what to clean them with? Rubbing Alcohol. Give your nose pads a quick scrub down with rubbing alcohol and you're bacteria free! Make sure not to apply rubbing alcohol to your lenses!

Another quick tip is to store your glasses in a sanitary case. I used to chuck my glasses in my chaotic purse where anyone could find a slew of food (gross, I know), makeup, pens, sticky notes, my collection of rewards cards, camera, magazines, chunks of change, numerous packs of almost empty gum, water bottle, countless wrappers, daily vitamins and my iPhone. You name it, it's in my bag. I carry my whole life around in one convenient bag but I always forget to store my glasses in a clean place with. BUT there's good news! I'm currently obsessing over my recent purchase from Madewell. I'm all about chambray and polka dots so this glasses case was too good to be true. It makes my heart happy as well as my glasses.

I thought I'd take the opportunity to snap a photograph of my desk that is rarely clean AND put together with my very staged but very clean sunnies and chambray case.

Now, we all know that breakouts can be caused by other things such as hormones, stress and environmental factors but I do find that keeping products used around or on the skin clean extremely beneficial. So go grab your glasses and clean 'em up!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Mani Monday

Hi, my name is Jordan and I have an addiction. I'm addicted to nail polish. This week's color that I'll be sporting is...

Alcatraz... Rocks by OPI.

Boy, it is ROCKING my world right now. It's a Liquid Sand polish created by OPI. OPI's Liquid Sand polishes dry to a textured matte finish with a hint of a sandy texture. The best part about this polish is that it doesn't require a top coat. It saves you a little of time but still gives you all the glam a manicure should give! I find that the polish doesn't chip very easily which for me, (I don't know about you) I'm so very pleased with. The last thing I want is to be constantly touching up my mani throughout the week. The color is a darker shade but I think it's perfect for the upcoming fall months which I am PUMPED for. Starbucks Caramel Apple Spice (with extra caramel), knee-high boots, knit over-sized sweaters, haunted houses, mittens, pumpkins and snuggling with my man are a few of my top seasonal loves. Due to my over excitement, I can't stop buying fall colored EVERYTHING and I may or may have not purchased another OPI Liquid Sand shade in another fall-ish color which you'll have to check back for! It's definitely a keeper!

Overall, I plan on hoarding more Liquid Sand polishes and using this beaut of a color! Price-wise I don't think it's too spendy. It's fun to try something different with texture that is extremely easy to use and actually works! Your nails will thank you.

I think I've decided to post a new polish color every Monday and dub it "Mani Monday". Please, share your thoughts because I would L-O-V-E to hear from you guys! If you are not as addicted to nail polish as I am, please, object now! Every Mani Monday will also include a product review. I've had my fair share of cruddy run-ins with nail polish and I don't wish it on my worst enemies!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Too Good to be True

I recently discovered an awesome find that goes a little something like this..

Cream Botox. It's proper name is, RT001.

Sounds too good to be true doesn't it? A company that goes by the name of Revance has created such a thing that may kick traditional Botox to the curb! Sometimes traditional Botox can cause swelling or bruising with the administration the solution all because of that darn needle. When using a cream formula it eliminates any form of irritation unless you're allergic to Botox. It also eliminates the need for needles which, for some, is a sigh of relief. It supposedly will decrease the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles up to 60% after one office visit. There will be the need for an office visit for proper application because no one wants a lopsided face! Information regarding how long results last on average was yet to be released! As soon as they are available I'll keep you up to speed!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Natural and Organic Awareness

In the skin care industry the question, "Is this product Organic?" continues to gain popularity around the globe. When most individuals use the word organic they mean natural. In the aesthetics industry it seems the two words are interchangeable making things a little confusing for everyone. To make things more complicated, the industry doesn't provide a true definition of either of the two, meaning there's a gray area. Just so all of you know, I dislike gray areas very much! The FDA is to blame and they have yet to provide an official clear statement on the matter, giving companies the freedom to use the terms NATURAL and ORGANIC however they please. It's unfortunate when we pick up a product claiming to be natural that we generally trust the company even though their claims may not be 100% true in terms of what we believe is natural. Generally, most of the population believes that natural or organic products do not contain irritating ingredients. Companies continue to use unhealthy ingredients in conjunction with natural or organic ingredients creating the illusion of an all natural product. The FDA's stance has been brushed under the rug for far too long and it's safe to say that this issue is unknown to many. I guess what we are all looking for is "clean" products that are healthy to use on our body's largest organ.

Most know that certain unhealthy ingredients used in today's skin care products can plague the skin with sensitivity, irritation and sometimes an allergic reaction. Well, I say BOO to that! Here, I would like to provide a cheat sheet on what unhealthy ingredients to avoid that companies like to sneak in their products!

What to avoid:

  • Parabens
  • Fragrances
  • Sulfates
  • Preservatives
  • Dyes
  • Talc
  • Dimethicone
  • Formaldehyde
  • Nylon
  • Corn Starch
  • Artificial Color
  • Proplene Glycol  

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Brush Care

One important step in skin care, that is forgotten by many, is the cleanliness of your makeup brushes. Dirty makeup brushes can contain bacteria and product build up. Bacteria build up can lead to skin irritation and breakouts leaving your skin compromised. It's important to clean your brushes at least once a month to ensure healthy skin and proper makeup application. Here are six simple steps to get you like-new brushes:

  1. Wet your brush bristles under warm water. Not scalding hot, not freezing cold. Warm's the way to go! 
  2. Pour a penny size drop of Baby Shampoo on the palm of your hand and begin to lather your brush. Please wash with your bristles pointing down to ensure water doesn't sit in the base of your brush to ensure the life span of your brush.
  3. Rinse under warm water until the water runs clear and there is no makeup or shampoo residue left. You may need to repeat Step 2 to achieve cleanliness.
  4. Gently squeeze any excess water out of the brush and reshape it to how it looks dry. You may blot the brush on a clean towel for a quicker dry.
  5. Lay your brush down FLAT and let air-dry. By doing so, it also keeps the water from sitting the brush base.
  6. You're ready to use them once they're fully dry! I give them at least 12 hours of drying time!
You now have sanitary makeup brushes ready to use! Also, you may have seen that pin from Pinterest floating around telling you to use Dish Soap. Please don't. It's such a bad idea. Dish soap already drys out your hands to no end so why use it on a makeup brush? When Dish Soap is used on brushes it drys out the delicate hairs and causes breakage. Breakage will cause a shortened life span as well as improper makeup application. I use Baby Shampoo because it is gentle even on the most delicate of skin. It doesn't dry brush bristles or irritate the skin and is inexpensive. It's as simple as that!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Alima Pure Review

I am a HUGE advocate for healthy makeup. Like, HUGE. As I continue to post you will learn that Jane Iredale and Colorescience are my FAV makeup brands. Both companies are all about skin health and with the ingredients they use, it shows. The only catch is that you're paying for the value. Sure they last much longer than your drugstore or department store foundations and actually treat the skin while you wear these two brands, benefiting the skin's overall health, but sometimes it's hard to open your wallet and hand over a large amount of dough. SO, I've been on a mission to find healthy but money aware makeup.

So far, I've found Alima Pure. I ordered five foundations to find my perfect match, a lip balm and three blushes! Here's my verdict.

First up, their Satin Matte Foundation. Here's the listed ingredients:
  • titanium oxide
  • zinc oxide
  • high grade mica
  • iron oxides
That's it. All whopping four ingredients are noncomedogenic, meaning that they don't clog pores. One BIG thing to look for in foundations, blushes, bronzers and eyeshadows is Talc. Talc is a huge no-no in the aesthetic realm. The reason being, Talc is extremely drying and irritating to the skin and who wants that on their skin? Many women hate wearing powder foundation without knowing the reason WHY. It's all due to the use of Talc. What happens when a woman applies a powder foundation containing Talc is over the next 2-4 hours after application, Talc slowly absorbs moisture and oil in your skin where it then settles into the skin. Talc amplifies the look of fine lines, wrinkles, enlarged pores and scarring. Obviously no lovely lady wants to worsen the appearance of their skin, so many avoid Talc filled foundations. Why is Talc even used in the first place? Because Talc is a very inexpensive filler and cosmetic companies are all about making money. All it does is fills a pallet or bottle of foundation giving the buyer the illusion that they're getting a great deal. 

Okay, now that I'm done ranting over how terrible Talc is, let's get back to the main course! Did I mention that Almia Pure has this particular foundation in 61 shades? There's a shade for everyone! My favorite match out of all five foundation colors that I got was Neutral 3. The only downside to this product is that it is not a full coverage makeup. I find the coverage to be a touch more than a tinted moisturizer. Currently, I have a lovely breakout and I'll be honest, it was difficult to achieve that desired coverage that I like. Other than that, it goes on light and it stays on all day long with no need for a mid-day touch-up. For those who like a very natural look that enhances the skin you have this foundation is definitely worth a try! Sample sizes cost $1.50 USD and full size foundations cost $25.00 USD. Not too shabby!

Up next, is their Luminous Shimmer Blush in Rosa! Here's the listed ingredients:
  • Mica
  • Titanium Oxide
  • Iron Oxides
Viola! Once again, a very easy and breathable product! Sample sizes are also $1.50 USD and full size blushes cost $20.00 USD. I liked that the shimmer wasn't extremely noticeable. The last thing I want is to look like a little girl playing with makeup with some shimmer and shine overload. It's safe to say that the Luminous Shimmer Blush looks natural but highlights the cheek bones for that super smooth finish.

I also tried their Satin Matte Blush where the listed ingredients are the same as their Luminous Shimmer Blush! I tried both Desert Rose and Bisque. Both colors are extremely pigmented and are easy to apply, just matte! Costs are also the same as their Luminous Shimmer Blush.

I also received a Nourishing Lip Balm in Cranberry. Holy moly, I'm impressed. With that being said, it is packed with lip nourishing goodies. I won't bore you with their entire ingredient list but some major lovelies of this all natural product are Shea Butter, Sweet Almond Oil, Jojoba Oil, Cocoa Butter, Avocado Butter and Vitamin E. All of those ingredients will give you soft kissable lips. It also contains antioxidants for the ultimate pout protection! I made the mistake thinking that I would need a few layers of this balm to give me great color and ended up with gobs of color! One quick layer does the trick and I am in love with Cranberry. It's that perfect deep red color that would compliment any skin tone. On the up side, this product only costs $7.00 USD and is worth every penny!

Also, Alima Pure's entire makeup line is:
  • Paraben Free
  • No Gluten
  • No Chemicals
  • No Nanoparticles
  • No dyes
  • No Irritants
Overall, I was pretty impressed! It's a very basic line with very basic, but healthy ingredients. Pricewise, you are paying for what you get with less coverage and zero added skin care ingredients. Alima Pure is similar in price with your local department and drugstores but they leave out unhealthy ingredients. No artificial anything, no skin irritations, no Talc and no fuss! Just pure color with pure ingredients! For those on a budget, I recommend this line with the simple fact that it much healthier than your department and drugstore makeup lines and is ultimately worth making the switch!
Today I used the Satin Matte Foundation in Neutral 3, the Satin Matte Blush in Desert Rose and the Nourishing Lip Balm in Cranberry. Here's the complete look of all three products with a little of my own mascara and eyeliner to top of the look! It's a look I'll be repeating and perfect for the upcoming fall months.

P.S. Here's a little food for thought! Did you know that if a cosmetic company to were to claim a foundation to be a "mineral foundation" the FDA only requires it to contain a six (measly) percent of actual minerals? Now sit on that for a while before you pick up a bottle of foundation that claims it's a "mineral foundation" next time you're out and about! 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl Peroxide (BP) is an acne fighting ingredient where benzoic acid and oxygen find their way in to an infected pore (a zit if you will) to help ward off bacteria. BP works so effectively due to the fact that bacteria cannot thrive when pure oxygen is present therefore clearing up acne-prone skin. BP also tends to be non-irritating for most users making it comfortable to use on  most skin types. Also, it's a pregnancy safe ingredient helping future moms control those big hormonal flare ups associated with pregnancy.

I've had many clients that love using BP to help control their breakouts, and a handful of them have worried that their skin becomes used to this ingredient over time. I'm happy to report that BP will still get the job done! After some time I've discovered that some individuals abuse this ingredient with improper use and once they've been sent home with proper instructions it makes a world of difference. Here are a few things to get the most bang out of BP.

  • Do not heap layer after layer on. The more the merrier does not apply in this case. Overuse of a BP spot treatment can lead to unnecessary drying and possible skin irritation. One layer is enough. I promise. 
  • Do not rely on this product as be-all and end-all to your acne. Yes BP can help clear up many cases of acne but that doesn't mean you may respond the same way. There may be need to incorporate other ingredients or products in to your acne regimen, some ingredients being salicylic acid, green tea extract, tea tree oil, AHA acids or retinols to achieve desired results.   
  • Only use a BP based face wash when you need it. If you're clear or pretty darn clear compared to your norm just stick to spot treatments. Once again, overuse can lead to that pesky dryness or irritation. 

Overall, I think it’s a far better idea to use it ‘strategically’.

I am very happy to recommend one of my favorite products for those struggling with acne. One product goes by the name of the Skin Exfoliant Wash created by Glymed Plus. The Skin Exfoliant Wash contains 2.5% BP with exfoliating granules to quickly and effectively administer BP where needed. A great spot treatment, also from Glymed Plus, is the lovely Skin Medication No. 5. It contains 5% BP AND tea tree oil to help get your skin clean and clear. But remember with a spot treatment, one thin layer will get the job done! Glymed Plus also offers their Skin Medication in a 10% BP product for more stubborn acne. Normally, I suggest users to start out with a lower percentage to see what their exact outcome will be before moving on to a more aggressive product. 

I have worked with Glymed Plus in school and I continue to work with it and I remain extremely satisfied with it based on company values, high grade ingredients and client results. I've seen these particular products work magic for many individuals battling breakouts. Trust me when I throw out the word magic, they really are magical.

***I always encourage for new users to try products by creating a test patch (a penny sized spread of product possibly on the jaw line or neck) before using all over to avoid allergic reactions or severe irritation, just to stay on the safe side!

Friday, August 9, 2013


So you all know how the alphabet song goes but what the heck is up with all of these BB, CC, and DD creams lately? I don't know who coined these double letter nicknames but they sure have stuck around and are increasingly gaining popularity.

First off let's start with some basics. There is such a thing as an AA cream and it simply stands for Anti-Aging. Just about every single skin care brand has one but most don't use the AA on their products because it's not near as popular as the fancy shmancy names they come up with like, Natura Bisse Diamond Extreme. Is anyone else wondering what the heck Diamond Extreme means? Yeah, me too. But it sounds fancy!

Obviously BB is to follow next. This cream is the most popular one out of our double letter friends and the BB in BB cream stands for Beauty Balm OR Blemish Balm. It gained it's popularity in Asia where it was praised for it's amazing multi-function use. BB creams tend to give full coverage while offering skin care in the forms of anti-aging ingredients and SPF. Some also contain a primer function to give skin that buttery smooth finish. With one multitasking product and one application step it gets the job done quick!

Next up, CC cream! CC stands for Color Corrector. It's similar to a BB cream but has less coverage, much like a tinted moisturizer. CC creams normally include SPF and skin brighteners to color correct unwanted pigmentation.

Any guesses what DD cream stands for? Daily Defense. It's not a makeup but a thick cream that hydrates dryer areas on the body. Think elbows, heels, knees and sometimes hands. Some also contain SPF.

Last, up is EE cream. I recently learned that this is a very real thing. It's generally found to describe eye products that contain SNAIL extract. Um, gross. But here's what it stands for, Escargot Eyes.

AA, BB, CC, DD, EE! Now you know all of your skin care creams! Next time won't you sing with me? Or better yet, share your favorite double letter product via Facebook or Instagram! @estheticallypleasing1

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Red Light! Blue Light!

After reading the post title it sounds like a cheesy Dr. Suess title but these types of LED lights actually help treat skin conditions!

The Science behind LEDs (light emitting diodes) is to use harmless phototonic energy, that becomes absorbed by the skin. It is then converted into chemical energy by creating beneficial changes on a cellular level thus leaving the skin happy and healthy. Now there are a few different types of LED lights available and each has a specific target to treat. The two most popular LED lights are blue and red light.

Blue light is used to treat acne prone skin. It effectively penetrates the top layers of the skin by killing present bacteria. It does this without drying or irritating the skin like some acne fighting ingredients can do. Oh, and it's pain free! You could say it's pretty much amazing. Also, some professionals incorporate blue light in treatments whether they are used in conjunction with chemicals peels or acne procedures.

Red light stimulates collagen on a cellular level to grow new cells up to 200% faster than your skin normally generates them.  Collagen is our "cement" foundation for our skin. Over time it collapses and cracks due to normal wear and tear (sun exposure, facial expressions, etc.) and results in fine lines and wrinkles. By using red light on the skin, it regenerates skin cells giving the user a boost of collagen production resulting in "cement" filled wrinkles. It makes for a great way to firm and smooth the skin without using painful fillers or going under the knife. Red light is also used during professional treatments to stimulate healing after an aggressive exfoliation treatment or to top off an anti-aging facial to iron out any fine lines or wrinkles.

All LEDs feel very similar when applied to the skin. Some are made to sit on a section of skin for a specific amount of time while others are best used with constant movement and contact with the skin. They generally give off a little warmth and sometimes little vibrations are sent out through the hand piece to soothe the skin. A LED light user can never over use phototonic energy however it is best administered equally on the skin to ensure best results. No one wants just one wrinkled side of the face! Some are for professional use only, but there are hand held LED devices that are at home safe. My favorite at home safe one is the ANSR: Beam that features both Red and Blue LED light.

ANSR: Beam in the flesh!

The creation of LED lights are phenomenal. They can be used on any skin type, any time of the day without any sort of irritation while it improves skin health. Talk about a major win win for anyone's skin!   

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Masque 101

Alright all of you party poopers, listen up! For those who only wear face masks on Halloween, you're doing it wrong. 

Face masques (also spelled as masks) are made up of ingredients such as oils, vitamins and herbs that are combined with hydrating bases, clays and different types of seaweed that help treat the skin. Depending on what type of masque used they can help do the following:
  • tighten and tone the skin
  • clear up acne prone skin
  • draw out impurities found in pores
  • hydrate
  • smooth out fine lines and wrinkles
  • nourish
  • calm, soothe and heal compromised skin
  • rejuvenate the skin
  • brighten skin complexion 
You can typically find masques premixed and ready to use in the form of tubes but others need to be mixed with water to be usable. There are two types of masques. One type of masques is a setting masque. These are very tightening and are designed to dry out impurities. These setting masques are great for treating oily and acneic skin. The second kind is non-setting. They appear moist and are generally used to nourish and hydrate the skin which are perfect for treating sensitive, dry or aging skin. Face masques are simply used to treat various skin conditions and are another step designed to maintain skin health and heighten results!

Now don't get me started on homemade face masques. I'm all about the homemade goods but in this case I'm not the biggest fan. Most homemade masque recipes call for popular ingredients such as honey, fresh lemon juice, milk, almond milk, oatmeal, different types of fruits and veggies as well as fresh eggs. All of these ingredients are considered healthy but are unpredictable with the results they will give one's skin. Think of combining all of your ingredients to create a masque but each strawberry is different, some more ripe then others. The acid content may vary from strawberry to strawberry.  Think about how they are washed. Do they still contain harmful pesticides on their surface? Unpredictability of each ingredient is the reason why homemade masques are not near as potent or effective as professionally made masques. Professional products tend to offer higher results and are lab tested. 

My personal favorite masque to date is Glymed Plus's Ultra-Hydrating Enzyme Masque. It's my little slice of heaven. It is great for ANY skin type and can be used at any time. It's a non-setting masque that feeds your skin with hydrating botanicals while exfoliating it with enzymes. Enzymes are little guys that munch away at dead skin cells revealing brighter, smoother skin. Bromelain (derived from pineapple) and Papain (derived from papaya) are two popular enzymes found in this product. My little secret I share with just about everyone is that this masque can also be applied to chapped lips to help hydrate and smooth rough lips. It can be used just as a lip treatment, face treatment or both! Another little secret is when wearing this masque it's best removed with heat or steam. Heat and steam help to reactivate enzymes so they can have one last chance to remove dead skin cells. Personally, I wear this in the shower usually with constant heat and steam exposure and it works like a dream. When used twice a week it leaves skin smooth, hydrated and radiant! It's a must have for everyone's beauty regimen. 

Oh, and you may or may not look like Hulk while sporting this product. Here's my Halloween get up for this year! Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Lose the Loofah

You're going to hate me. Okay, so maybe not HATE me but you may not like this bit of information I'm about to share with you. I hope we can still be friends.

Toss your loofah.

There, it's out in the open! So the news could have been much worse and I definitely exaggerated the severity of the situation, but seriously, throw out your loofah. The reason being that as you use it to exfoliate your skin it collects bacteria which we all know is a big fat no-way-Jose for your skin. (If you suffer from body acne you can see why fighting bacteria with more bacteria may not get you anywhere anytime soon.) After using a loofah just once it already becomes a cozy home for bacteria to call their own. Steam can accelerate some types of bacteria making your loofah a bigger mess every time you use it. Also, rinsing a loofah out with water and soap is not enough and surprisingly tossing it in the washing machine doesn't provide complete sanitation either. Instead of using a loofah I use and recommend an exfoliating glove for everyone. They are similar to a loofah in terms of use but much easier to keep clean! You can sanitize them by throwing it in your washer. I normally use mine twice before they end up in the dirty hamper. The trick to keeping them clean is to squeeze out any excess water after every use and hang them in a clean place to dry. This is where loofahs house bacteria because of how layered they are. The layers hold on to excess water for long periods of time giving bacteria the chance to thrive in unwanted places. Exfoliating gloves are much thinner and dry off quick!

So please, I beg you to kick that sneaky bacteria hoarder loofah of yours to the curb! And give a big thumbs up to a healthier choice, exfoliating gloves!

Oh, and I better tell you where to pick up a pair! They are normally found in the beauty sections of these big retailers:

Monday, August 5, 2013

Something to Smile About

Recently, I have a crush on an ingredient. Trust me, this is a normal thing I experience quite often with all the goodies I try.

Meet my new and current love, Triisostearyl Citrate.

Triisostearyl Citrate mingles with your skin's PH levels to give you a one of a kind pout. What does this mean for you? It's that perfect shade that compliments your complexion in a pinch. Basically, it's your lip's new BFF.

You're probably wondering where you might find your new BFF. Well, you're in luck! My favorite product that incorporates Triisostearyl Citrate is Just Kissed Lip & Cheek Stain in Forever Pink by Jane Iredale. This product still amazes me with it's long lasting staying power where, for me, it averages 6+ hours without fading. I really look for products that are not only fun to wear but treat your skin right! And with that being said, Jane Iredale also uses avocado butter, olive butter, beeswax and wild rose wax to help moisturize for a truly kissable pout. Wait, the goods don't stop there, it also includes blackberry extract, cranberry extract, blueberry extract, pomegranate extract and white tea extract for much needed antioxidant protection for your lip's delicate skin stopping that pesky process, called aging, in it's tracks. On a fun note, Forever Pink leaves your soda cans, straws and water bottles residue free and keeps the color where it belongs, your lips! I've also used this product as a cheek stain when my mornings run more hectic than usual and enjoyed the custom rosy cheeks it gave me. I really like that this gives an individual a "natural" color to complete their look as well as benefits the health of ones lips. Forever Pink definitely gives you something to smile about!

Here's my perfect match! Please excuse the crazy hair in the AFTER photo! Idaho wind has a mind of it's own!


After applying the soft opaque pink product of A-MA-zing I  pull a punchy strawberry color and I love it! Many ask me what lip product I use and now all of you know my dirty secret! Forever Pink! Now you'll have to grab a tube for yourself to experience! I've seen friends and family members pull deep plums, corals, hot pinks, lavender hues, pink mauves, fuchsias and I would love to see YOUR lip color via Instagram! @estheticallypleasing1

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Officially Official

Well, it's official! I'm a blogger.

About a year ago I had an idea, a REALLY good one too. I thought of creating a place where anyone and everyone could learn about what their skin specifically needs to be healthy. Most importantly, where an individual can feel their best knowing the best! The health of one's skin is my passion and I hope to provide knowledge that applies to each and every person to further benefit their confidence and skin's health. Finally, I have my place and I'm ready to go! I hope you stay awhile! Please kick back and relax, there will be a giveaway soon! Okay, and maybe some posts about skin health too!

P.S. Be sure to follow Esthetically Pleasing on Facebook, Instagram and my personal account on Pinterest for skin tips, giveaways and much more!