Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Lose the Loofah

You're going to hate me. Okay, so maybe not HATE me but you may not like this bit of information I'm about to share with you. I hope we can still be friends.

Toss your loofah.

There, it's out in the open! So the news could have been much worse and I definitely exaggerated the severity of the situation, but seriously, throw out your loofah. The reason being that as you use it to exfoliate your skin it collects bacteria which we all know is a big fat no-way-Jose for your skin. (If you suffer from body acne you can see why fighting bacteria with more bacteria may not get you anywhere anytime soon.) After using a loofah just once it already becomes a cozy home for bacteria to call their own. Steam can accelerate some types of bacteria making your loofah a bigger mess every time you use it. Also, rinsing a loofah out with water and soap is not enough and surprisingly tossing it in the washing machine doesn't provide complete sanitation either. Instead of using a loofah I use and recommend an exfoliating glove for everyone. They are similar to a loofah in terms of use but much easier to keep clean! You can sanitize them by throwing it in your washer. I normally use mine twice before they end up in the dirty hamper. The trick to keeping them clean is to squeeze out any excess water after every use and hang them in a clean place to dry. This is where loofahs house bacteria because of how layered they are. The layers hold on to excess water for long periods of time giving bacteria the chance to thrive in unwanted places. Exfoliating gloves are much thinner and dry off quick!

So please, I beg you to kick that sneaky bacteria hoarder loofah of yours to the curb! And give a big thumbs up to a healthier choice, exfoliating gloves!

Oh, and I better tell you where to pick up a pair! They are normally found in the beauty sections of these big retailers:

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